
Showing posts from October, 2023

Literature Review and Formulation of Research Problems

  Chapter 2 Literature Review and Formulation of Research Problems © Dr. Alok Pawar   2.1     Introduction The journey of conducting meaningful research is an intricate process that requires careful planning and execution. In this chapter, we will delve into the various stages and elements that constitute this research process. Starting with an exploration of the purpose and significance of a literature review, we will examine the resources available for such reviews, including the ever-evolving landscape of the Internet's role in gathering and synthesizing information. We will also explore how the Internet can serve as a valuable tool in developing research strategies and methods. Additionally, we will discuss the crucial aspects of conducting and evaluating literature reviews, which are essential in building a strong foundation for any research endeavor. This chapter will also shed light on the formulation of a research problem, delving into the fundamental questions